Weight loss will happen, just follow these five methods - FirstViralPost-Viral News,Trending News,Viral Videos,Social Media News


Saturday, June 5, 2021

Weight loss will happen, just follow these five methods


Weight loss will happen, just follow these five methods

Obesity brings many diseases together, so weight loss remains a matter of concern for any person. Weight loss can never happen overnight, for that an effective plan needs to be made and this plan need not be long term. Plan a week and work accordingly. If you follow the right diet with exercise in a week, then the weight will be reduced. But if you have any health problem or eating disorder then going on a diet would not be appropriate.

whole grains

Eliminate processed, junk foods from the diet and include whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in fiber and other essential nutrients that can be beneficial to your weight and overall health. Include low carb veggies and more protein in your diet for better weight loss results.

limit carbs intake

Research has shown that a low-carb diet can help you lose weight faster and improve health. Reducing carb intake, even for a few days, can help reduce bloating. For maximum benefits, try to eliminate or drastically limit your intake of sugars and starchy carbs for a week. You can replace these foods with healthier alternatives like lean meats, eggs, fish etc.

Try Intermittent Fasting

When you want to lose fat fast, then adopt Intermittent Fasting (IF) which is a simple and effective plan. There are a variety of intermittent fasting methods that can help you lose weight by reducing your caloric intake. These plans can be incorporated in your daily lifestyle ranging from 16:8, 5:2, 20:4 time restricted fasting or prolonged fasting.

Practice Portion Control

This will not only help you lose weight but will also prevent excessive energy intake, which is not needed. Research has linked large portions to an increased risk of obesity. So, divide the portions in half and choose the smaller portions. A simple trick to managing weight would be to choose large portions of low energy foods.

increase your activity level

Increase your daily physical activity to burn more calories and help you lose weight. Making lifestyle changes such as climbing stairs instead of elevators, biking, brisk walking regularly will give you more results without going to the gym.